Town of Geneseo


If you have questions about payments to the Town, please contact us. The Town Clerks office accepts tax payments until March 31st. A drop box is available in the vestible entrance of the office for check payments durning and after normal business hours.  

Property Taxes

Town of Geneseo Tax Payment Schedule & Search System

  • Town & County Tax Payments must be postmarked on or before January 31st to avoid late penalties
  • February 1st through 28th with 1% penalty
  • March 1st through 31st with 2% penalty plus a $2.00 second notice fee.
  • After April 1st, payments must be paid to the Livingston County Treasurer. Please contact them at 585-243-7050 for instructions. (PAYMENTS MADE TO LIVINGSTON COUNTY WILL NOT BE POSTED ON THIS WEBSITE.) 
View and Pay Property Taxes Online
Dog Licenses

For new Dog Licenses or renewals, please contact the office by phone or email to confirm a current rabies vaccination. Invoices can be emailed for online payment after a current vaccination is confirmed.

Please note that a nominal site fee is charged to the user to cover the costs of security and delivery of payments. This charge is clearly differentiated from the payment amount PRIOR to completion of the transaction. The Town of Geneseo does not receive any of the site fee.

Visit the office in-person for...
  • Birth, Death, Marriage Certificates
  • Building Permits
  • Pavilion Rental, Long Point Park