Town of Geneseo

Highway, Water & Recycling


Monday-Thursday: 6AM to 4:30PM

The Highway, Water & Recycling Office is located in the Town Office Building. Larry Levey is Highway Water Superintendent. 

Recycling & Transfer Station

The town highway department operates the town Recycling Center & Transfer Station located on Warner Road and is also responsible for maintenance of Long Point Park on Conesus Lake. 


The highway department is responsible for maintaining approximately 40 miles of town roads. These responsibilities include snow removal and ice control, paving and maintenance of roads, signage, roadway markings, drainage, tree and brush cutting and removal within the Towns right of way, roadside mowing and disposal of dead deer on roadsides. 

One of the departments major responsibilities during the winter season is to keep the town roads, 16 miles of county roads and 14 miles of state roads (Rte 39 from Court Street to Triphammer Rd and Rte 256 from Lakeville to Sliker Hill Rd in Conesus) clear of snow and ice.

During a snowstorm, with 4 trucks, it takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete the route. During heavy snowfall, please be patient. To provide the best service possible the Highway Department reminds you that it needs your full cooperation. A problem often times occurs when residents leave their vehicles in the town streets. This hinders snowplowing operations. It would assist us if you would make sure your vehicle is in your driveway, and not in the street, from the start to the end of a snowstorm.

Mailboxes are tolerated on the highway right of way without permit. Snowplow drivers will make every effort not to damage mailboxes, however, heavy snow, ice, slush and certain circumstances may cause damage. Mailboxes will only be repaired by town forces under extenuating circumstances, time permitting.


The department is responsible for maintaining all town water mains, the water tank on Burbank Drive and the pump station located on Reservoir Road. The water department also inspects and approves all new water services, installs meters and transmitters, and does quarterly meter readings for water billing. In addition, the department does daily water testing along with monthly and quarterly water sampling.

Annual water quality reports for public water serving the Town and Village of Geneseo are posted by the Village of Geneseo Water & Sewer Department